The Faculty of Technology and Education at the Koszalin University of Technology offers students new perspectives for interdisciplinary education and the opportunity to conduct research on new technologies and modern teaching methods. Our courses cover the areas of:
· Humanities and social sciences combined with good preparation in the field of technology,
· Human resource management in various branches of industry, economic administration and science.
At the Faculty students receive a first-class technical, vocational and humanistic education. Our courses prepare graduates for the demands of the labour market by equipping them to use foreign languages and modern technologies effectively in the workplace. Our curricula facilitate the development of logical thinking skills, the ability to combine abstract and concrete knowledge as well as problem-forming and problem-solving skills. Students graduate with requisite knowledge and skills that enable them to perform, achieve and innovate in the modern world. As a result, our graduates are in demand and achieve success on the labour market not only in Poland but also abroad.
The Faculty of Technology and Education offers the following degree programmes:
Biomedical engineering - 2 specialisations
Mechatronics - 5 specialisations
Materials science and engineering - 2 specialisations
Pedagogy - 14 specialisations
Materials science and engineering - 1 specialisation
We offer courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Our curricula are standardised in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education and the European Transfer Credit System, meaning that students may continue their education in any European country.
The Faculty of Technology and Education was awarded category A from 2009 to 2012* by the Committee for Evaluation of Scientific Units. This confirms the high quality of education and scientific activity. Our success is the result of many years of research activity as well as the strategy that has been adopted by management of enhancing the quality of research at the Faculty. The high quality of research output is reflected in the modern, up-to-date curricula that we offer across all courses of study.
We are proud to have the most modern buildings of all those belonging to the Koszalin University of Technology:
· Building G, which includes laboratories for Mechatronics, was completed in the second half of 2010;
· Building H, which includes laboratories for Materials Science and Biomedical Engineering, was officially opened to students in September 2011.
*The list of scientific units evaluated by the Committee can be found on the website of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Please click here for more information.